Publications and CV
Aho, B. (2025, Forthcoming).The Designer is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want: Dataveillance, Design and the Demise of Interpretive Flexibility. Surveillance and Society [preprint available upon request]
Aho, B. (2024). Data communism: Constructing a national data ecosystem. Big Data & Society, 11(3).
Aho, B. (2023). Towards an Algorithmically Planned Economy: Data Policy and the Digital Restructuring of China. in Filimowicz, M.(Ed.) Algorithms and Society. Routledge.
Aho, B. & Duffield, R. (2020). Beyond Surveillance Capitalism: Privacy, Regulation and Big Data in Europe and China. Economy and Society, 49(2), pp. 187-212.
Aho, B. (2020). Violence and the Chemicals Industry: Reframing Regulatory Obstructionism. Public Health Ethics. 13(1), pp. 50–61.
Aho, B. (2019) The Datafied Globe: Emerging Trends in Algorithmic Governmentality. Global-E, 12(21).
Aho, B. (2017) Disrupting Regulation: Understanding Industry Engagement on Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals. Science and Public Policy, 44(5), pp. 698-706.
Aho, B. (2015) Intercultural Transfers and the Making of the Modern World. [Review of the book by T. Adam]. Connections.
Aho, B. (2015) Mediating the Global. [Review of the book by H. Hindman] H-Net.